A negative mindset can hold us back from experiencing the full joy and potential of life. However, the good news is that with dedication and conscious effort, we can reshape our thought patterns and cultivate a positive mindset. There are powerful habits that can help replace the negative thoughts inside your brain with positive ones, leading to a more fulfilling and optimistic outlook on life.
Gratitude is a potent antidote to negativity. Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for, whether big or small. By shifting your focus to the positives in your life, you'll naturally train your mind to see the brighter side of any situation. List them out in a journal or on a notepad. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, even the smallest of ones. I once heard a coach say that a client said they had no wins during the day because they had bought a dozen donuts and ate 11 of them. You know what the coach said? They didn’t eat all 12, and that was a win. What do you do when you first wake up? Immediately check your phone? Say negative things to yourself? Hit the snooze button over and over again? Spend 5 minutes with yourself as soon as you wake up. No distractions. Five minutes of silence. What are the first thoughts that come to your mind? Are they positive or negative? How are you feeling, emotionally and physically? Become aware of your thoughts and feelings, without any judgment. Through self-awareness, you can catch negative thoughts as they arise and consciously replace them with positive affirmations, such as "I am capable," "I am worthy," or "I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth." Repeating these affirmations daily can transform your self-perception. Take the time to set goals for yourself. Choose 3-5 things that you want to accomplish for the day. Write these down right before you go to bed, or in the morning when you wake up. The brain feeds off of “open” and “closed” loops. Think about your smartwatch and the activity level loops that you try to close in a day. The brain works the same way. Setting goals creates “open” loops, and the brain wants to work towards “closing” them, or completing the goal. Choosing 3-5 things to complete makes it a small enough number for you to stay focused on, rather than trying to remember so many different things at once. And remember, even if you fail, that’s normal and part of life. Tomorrow will be a fresh, new day where you can try again. We all have short term and long term goals. But sometimes, those goals can seem far away. This is why it’s important to imagine your outcome. Imagine what you see happening in the future, every little detail of it. It’s important to make this the dominant narrative in your mind, not part of your subconscious. Spend 3-4 minutes each day imagining your ideal end goal scenario and the expectations you have for it. It is also important to find an emotional connection to your goal. Is there someone you are honoring by doing this, how does this affect the rest of your life, etc? An emotional tie will put extra motivation behind your efforts and will keep you moving forward. Finally, we spend so much time in the world of news and social media. Be mindful of the media you consume, as negative news and content can influence your mindset. Set boundaries on exposure to negativity and prioritize uplifting and motivational content. Spend your extra time doing activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing rather than mindlessly scrolling through your phone . All of these help reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and promote a calmer, more positive mindset. Surround yourself with friends, family, and mentors who radiate positivity and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. The people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our mindset, so find some who uplift you and reinforce your efforts towards positivity. Replacing a negative mindset with a positive one is an empowering journey that requires consistent effort and dedication. By incorporating these habits into your daily life, you can gradually reshape your thought patterns and embrace a more optimistic outlook. Remember that transformation takes time, so be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you make. Embrace the power of positivity, and watch as your life flourishes with newfound joy and possibilities.
Embarking on a health and fitness journey is an exciting endeavor that requires dedication, perseverance, and the right nutrition choices. Proper nutrition plays a critical role in supporting your body's performance, enhancing recovery, and achieving your fitness goals. There are some key nutrition choices that will fuel your fitness journey and lead you to a healthier and stronger version of yourself!
As you embark on your health and fitness journey, remember that proper nutrition is the backbone of your success. Embrace whole foods, balance your macronutrients, stay hydrated, and fuel your workouts strategically. Mindful eating, portion control, and meal planning will provide the consistency and discipline needed for lasting results. With the right nutrition choices, you will power through your fitness goals and unlock your full potential for a healthier and happier life! Remember, it's not just a diet; it's a lifestyle that nourishes your body and fuels your success! Starting a personal training program is a transformative step towards achieving your fitness goals and embracing a healthier lifestyle. Whether you're new to exercise or looking to revitalize your fitness routine, a personalized training program can provide the guidance, motivation, and expertise needed to reach your full potential. Here are some valuable tips to help you kickstart your personal training journey with confidence and enthusiasm! We’ll begin your personal training program by asking you to define your goals. Whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, increased flexibility, or improved overall fitness, setting specific targets will give you direction and motivation throughout your journey. This is part of your “No Sweat Success Session” here at emPower. From there we will move into an introductory workout, one that will assess your movement patterns, strengths, and areas that need improvement, all while giving you a great first workout. This gives us a baseline to track your progress, and it allows us to gauge a good starting point depending on your goals. Our certified trainers take the time to get to know you, making sure to understand your goals and preferences to create a tailored program that suits your individual needs. We will adapt your program to accomomdate any medical concerns, injuries, or limitations, ensuring safety and progress! You will find different exercises and variety in your workouts from month to month. A diverse workout plan not only keeps things interesting but also challenges different muscle groups and prevents overuse injuries, as well as avoiding workout plateaus. Therefore, you will see a mix of cardio, strength training, flexibility, and balance exercises, potentially all in one day's workout. Remember, nutrition matters! Nutrition plays a significant role in reaching your fitness goals. That’s why our trainers are here to assist you with nutritional advice that complements your training efforts. They will help you set small nutrition goals, over time helping you reach your long-term goals. Most importantly, consistency is KEY!! Consistency is the foundation of any successful fitness program. We’ll work with you to develop a regular workout schedule that fits your lifestyle and make sure you commit to it! Consistent effort, even on days when motivation is low, will yield long-term results and positive habits. However, don't forget that rest and recovery are vital for progress, so make sure to give yourself at least 1-2 days rest throughout your week of workouts Starting a personal training program is an empowering step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. At emPower, we love to recognize and celebrate every milestone along your journey! Whether it's reaching a weight loss goal, improving your running time, or lifting heavier weights, each achievement is a testament to your dedication and hard work. You will see lots of high fives, energy, smiles, and maybe even your name up on our “brag board” 🙂. We would love to have you come in and see what all the talk is about! Contact us at [email protected] if you are ready to transform your life and get started on your own health and fitness journey! You’ve seen your friends or family members tackle obstacle course races (OCR). Their social media images from race day seem super cool. Now you’re ready to join in the fun.
But, how do you train for an obstacle course race like a Tough Mudder or the emPowered OCR at Clipper Magazine? Pre-race coaching, from nutrition to exercises, terrain readiness, mental preparation, and proper gear all play a role in successful OCR training. Visit our emPower Training Systems Obstacle Course Race Training Page and learn how our coaching staff makes OCR training in Lancaster not only doable but also affordable and fun. We brought the first stadium-style obstacle race to Lancaster, PA, so we’re more than just experienced in OCR. We embrace it. Read further for training tips and techniques for obstacle course racing. The show “American Ninja Warrior” inspired a lot of fans, including kids, to challenge themselves with obstacles from monkey bars to rock climbing.
Maybe your kid is among the hundreds wondering, “Are there Ninja Warrior gyms in Lancaster County?” Good news: Yes! emPower Training Systems is a local Ninja Warrior gym and our clients will tell you it’s one of the most fun ways for your kids to get healthy and improve their fitness. Ninja Warrior gyms help kids want to exercise because obstacle-based fitness isn’t a chore, it’s playing. Read further to learn the benefits of joining our Lancaster County Ninja Warrior gym. When it comes to weight loss, you must think beyond fat loss if you want to achieve sustained results and better health. It’s why Lancaster County’s emPower team of professional fitness coaches focus on “fitness beyond fat loss.”
While your initial goal may be to lose fat, and that is important for improved health, your main goal should be on achieving a healthy life, both physically and emotionally. Personal training and group fitness at emPower Training Systems can help you achieve fitness beyond fat loss. Read on to learn why there’s a big difference between weight loss and fat loss. I had heard bone broth was full of great benefits, but always shrugged it off as something I would never “be in to.” After discussing my recent hip surgery and mobility issue with client Bill Page, I got my hands on bone broth and discovered how powerful it can be as he starting bringing me weekly deliveries…. LUCKY ME!! If you’ve yet to do any research on the topic – here’s a tid bit of information to get you started! Bone broth is widely regarded as healing food. It's known to treat the skin, gut, GI tract, aid in digestion or help you beat the cold/flu you've been suffering from. Even better, it's known to support healthy joints, bones, lungs, muscle, blood and many other medicinal benefits. We're told to eat chicken soup when we're sick, but the secret behind that soothing and healing meal is the liquid broth. It's full of vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids, collagen and glycine- which are the building blocks that our body uses to heal and repair itself. Bone broth should be made with a combination of pasture raised, free-range chicken and turkey bones, and grass-fed organic beef bones. Prioritize the quality above everything else because what goes into the animal’s body goes into your body when you consume the broth. Use bones from USDA organic animals that have not been exposed to heavy metals and have also been humanely raised on open pastures with clean NON-GMO diets free of antibiotics, hormones and grains.Use organic vegetables and herbs and water that is clean & filtered, ensuring the final bone broth is as pure and flavorful as it is packed full of vitamins, minerals and gelatin. ENJOY! Click HERE for more information. Author: Carla Beam
![]() 1. Drink a glass of water with every meal and snack. Depending on your age and gender, your body is made up of somewhere between 55-65% water. If that’s the case (and, I just told you that it is) it confuses me as to why people think it’s okay to ignore hydration. And no, alcohol doesn’t count. And neither does fruit juice (because, let’s face it, that stuff is just less-fizzy soda pop). You know what does count? Water. Drink it. 2. Eat more. Our bodies were designed to receive fuel and run efficiently. Know what happens when we’re forced to run on minimal amounts of food for long periods of time? Your metabolism slows down in order to conserve energy and fat storage is switched ON. Know what mechanism is a big freaking deal when it comes to fat loss? Your metabolism. So, yeah, you need to eat adequately (and nutritiously). start by adding a cup or two of vegetables at every meal if you want to be a lean, mean, fat burning machine. 3. Make it a priority to get 7-8 hours of sleep. When sleep is shortchanged, your hormones get all out-of-whack. Cortisol and stress hormone levels are elevated and can lead to cravings for comfort foods. Grehlin (the hunger hormone) is increased and leptin (the satiety hormone) is decreased. All that to say, you on little sleep, turn into one cranky little comfort-food seeking monster, who, if left unchecked could turn into a chubbie little comfort-food seeking monster. Prioritize your sleep and you positively change your progress. 4. Lift weights. Lift heavy weights. Imagine this: if you added a little over 3 pounds of lean muscle to your frame, you would have the potential to burn an additional 1,050 calories a week, workouts unaccounted for. That’s crazy! And no, just because you have muscle doesn’t mean you need to get “big”. Replace body fat with lean muscle tissue by eating right and lifting smart and you’ve basically just turned yourself into an incinerator. Burning calories like it’s your job. ** Likely side effect to lifting weights: you’ll get stronger. Be warned. 5. Get cho’ fiber. Studies show that increasing fiber consumption can encourage fat burning by as much as 30%. Yowza. And all from eating more veggies and flaxseed! Shoot for about 25 grams of fiber per day. Keep things running smoothly, in more ways than one (yep. I just went there). 6. Develop a liking for green tea. Green tea is the most natural fat-burner available. Toss in a little lemon and you’ve just blunted your bodies insulin response – meaning your body is less likely to store food as fat. BAM! Can your cup of coffee do that for you? 7. Stress less. But seriously. Remember that hormone cortisol we were talking about? Well when you have high amounts of stress, you have high amounts of cortisol. And when you have cortisol in large amounts, you can pretty much bet that you’ll have belly fat in large amounts too. Do yourself a favor and de-stress. Take a long walk or a soothing bath. Delegate a task and learn how to say “no”. Don’t try taking on the world, let’s face it – you don’t have time for that anyway. 8. Do what your momma told you, and eat your veggies. We’re always looking for the “magic pill”, the “quick fix” that will make us all lean and beautiful. Well folks, the secret is staring you in the face every time you walk through the produce isle. Vegetables: loaded with antioxidants, filled with fiber (see point #5), and chock full of healthy good-for-you vitamins: potassium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C…you get the idea. There’s absolutely no reason for you not to eat them. They can be made a million different ways, you have a million different options to choose from and they give you the biggest BANG for your calorie BUCK. 3 red peppers = 100 calories. the consequence: 300% of your vitamin C intake, great source of vitamin B6 and magnesium, support night vision, help to prevent certain types of cancer (e.g. prostate and lung). 8 peanut M&Ms = 100 calories the consequence: sweet tooth satisfaction and an increased risk for diabetes, obesity and cavities. 9. Stop pointing your finger at stupid stuff. “Eggs are bad for cholesterol”, “milk makes you gain weight”, “fruit makes you fat”. No sweethearts, those things have been around forever. Stop blaming the old stuff and start looking at the new stuff. We didn’t have an obesity epidemic before things like McDonalds, Krispy Kreme, Lays, Coca Cola and Entenmanns came along. So maybe those extra pounds we’re holding onto as a nation aren’t from starting our day with healthy fats and protein, but rather, from finishing our days on the couch with our greasy fingers in a bag of {insert snack of choice here}. 10. Be consistent. There are a million ways to get from point A to point B. No one RIGHT way to lose weight, no one RIGHT way to lower your body fat percentage. If you want to lift weights, lift weights. If you want to keep taking zumba classes, take zumba classes. Don’t try something only to bail a week later. Don’t change your life so radically that it never becomes a true habit. Just find something that makes your life better and do it. Then, keep doing it. Do these 10 things and you’ll have a lower body fat percentage. you’ll also probably be the healthiest, happiest version of you you’ve ever been. if it doesn’t work, well, it’ll work. #promise. Eat well. Live well. Be well. Author: Coach Nicole Cascio A tale of two mornings.... The alarm rings. You have exactly seventy-five minutes to be out the door. After relinquishing fifteen of those to “snooze” periods and a few minutes on your phone (e.g. checking email, Facebook), you’re finally out of bed. You put together coffee, feed the dog and let her outside, get the kids up, and help everyone grab something to eat. Within ten minutes, the clamor and chaos of the morning rush has taken over your thinking – in addition to the nagging reminder that you still have a few emails to send out before the first meeting. So much for easing into the day… Even with the tag team approach made possible by your partner, it’s still a major production to hit the shower and get ready. There are bags to be packed, bills or homework to be gathered and final goodbyes to be said as everyone heads out the door. When you get to work, it’s a dash to fit in several tasks before 9:00 am. Somehow you keep waiting for a quiet moment to pull your thoughts together, to breathe and catch up with yourself; but the chance keeps further distancing itself. "Later," you say. "At lunch? After work? At night? Wait a second… I forgot my lunch again, didn’t I?" Now let’s look at a better way. Second scenario… The alarm rings. This time you have two hours and 30 minutes. No snooze at this hour. Before anyone else is up, you grab your ready-made coffee (gotta love pre-programming options) and slip quietly into a remote corner of the house where everything you need is already there. Your phone is off limits except for music to help wake you up. After reading or journaling for a few minutes, you do some meditation and some light yoga or dynamic stretching perhaps, and get ready for your a.m. workout. You enjoy the quiet around you and the focus on your movements. As you take a few minutes afterward, you write out your master list for the day. Following a hot shower, you’re calm and ready to organize and conquer the rest of your day. Moral of the story here: drive your day, or your day will drive you. Direct, or you’ll be put in a constant position to react. While few, if any of us get to choose everything that will happen in our days, the morning, in particular, has the power to determine who/what will be leading the way. It also determines how much we give to our own interests versus simply responding to others’ as the day progresses. As psychologist Roy F. Baumeister suggests in his book, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, our willpower is greatest in the morning – before we’ve had to fend off the many issues and choices that come our way in a day. In other words, if you struggle to keep a given commitment to yourself/your well-being, you’ll likely be more successful making it part of your morning routine as opposed to holding off until later in the day. There are far too many excuses that will present themselves throughout the day, causing you to keep pushing those "commitments" to the back burner. From a physiological standpoint, too, the morning hours offer some extra benefits. There’s the advantage of the natural a.m. cortisol surge. That means extra energy – to offer the day’s workout or to tackle the most challenging tasks. Working out in a fasted state, research shows, offers better benefits for fat burning and insulin sensitivity. How many of us postpone our exercise and certain responsibilities as long as we can – only to face them during our least energetic and driven hours of the day? By that point, it takes seemingly ten times the physical and mental effort to make ourselves follow through (e.g. the thousand pound workout bag). What’s more? You’ll be more invested in making healthier choices throughout the day if you’re already on a roll with an a.m. workout, meditation time and/or other positive behaviors. You’ve already got some skin in the game for living healthily that day. You also won’t be subject to that nagging sense of restlessness that can dog us all day. Our bodies are waiting to move and what punishment to make them sit at a desk for eight hours first. Our minds, too. Why should we put off what we want in our day? Why should we come last and not first? It may come off as promoting a selfish revolution, but the solid fact is, life works better for everyone when our needs are taken care of. We work harder. We play better with others. We eat less crap and can be healthier for it. Obviously, exercise is what comes to mind with my life, and most of yours, but I'm not limiting the morning routine to that. Perhaps it's a few minutes of quiet time to enjoy your morning coffee. Sitting alone to read or journal, morning stretching, yoga, or meditation and devotion time. What would it mean for the rest of your life if you devoted a morning routine to your own interests? How would your relationships change if you began your day in ways that brought you joy and health? How would it impact your attitude at work if you started your job already having a solid hour of time invested in yourself? When you lead with your own peace and well-being, much more is possible. Something essential changes when you begin directing your day rather than responding to it. However we choose to design our morning routine (as long as it truly feeds our needs – and more than just the routine check-offs), we stake our claim on the day before anything/anyone else can. Our actions – and the pattern of action over time – can effect a powerful shift in our personal sense of self-efficacy and fulfillment. Are you thinking about your morning routine yet?? Start brainstorming ideas. What can you change about your routine to drive your day? Drive your day, or your day will drive you. Direct, or you’ll be put in a constant position to react. Rise and Shine... welcome to the grind! References: Roy F. Baumeister; Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength By Coach Carla Beam Many of us are familiar with the concept of goal setting. But how often do we actually do it? And how often do we actually REACH those goals even when we have them? I would suggest not often enough! If we were all crushing our goals, we would be a lot happier, a lot healthier, and probably a lot richer! So what holds us back? Is it a lack of desire? I don't think so... A lack of talent? Possibly, but I doubt it. We can make up for a lack of talent in most areas. So what then? From what I have seen, most failures stem from the fact that people don't have CLEAR, WRITTEN GOALS. First, let's start with looking at what goal setting is. According to mindtools.com:
Are you asking yourself "how the hell is thinking going to help me lose weight?!" Hang in there. I will explain how there is more than a "jiggle it to lose it" concept at work here. Without a goal, you have no direction. You don't even know what you are working towards. You might say, "yes I do! I am here to lose weight". Sorry, but that's not a goal! That is a poor attempt at justifying why you are sweating your ass off in the summer heat at the gym. To be a true goal it must be SMART. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Based The "I am here to lose weight" statement is none of these. You might say this is a measurable goal, but the truth is we fluctuate several pounds a day in water. So what if you lost two pounds when you got on the scale today? Measurable success right? No. That may be water. You may gain it back tomorrow. Or worse, what if you lost muscle? Would you be happy with that? After all, your goal was to lose "weight" and you did. I highly doubt you would be satisfied with that. Chances are you are realizing that "losing weight" just isn't specific enough. You might be back-pedaling saying, "Well what I meant was...I want to lose fat." This is a good first step. But let's look at the SMART way to write this goal. Maybe something like this, "I want to lose 5 lbs of body fat by September 30th." How much more motivating is that? Now you can see a clear finish line. You know exactly what the goal is and how long you have to get there. Think about it like a project from your boss. If he said, "I want you to write me a paper, " where and when would you begin? You have all the time in the world. Now imagine if he told you to write a paper on your ideas of how the company can save $10,000 this year, due by September 1st and no more than two pages long. I don't know about you, but I would be on that right away! I have a deadline. The same thing applies to your fitness goals. We all need goals...even your trainers. And one of the best ways to reach them is to share them with others for accountability. Therefore, we are going to hang a dry erase board in emPower with the personal goals of each of your trainers! Your job is to hold us accountable to them! Some may change monthly, some may take a year or more to accomplish. There are no rules other than meeting the SMART criteria. I highly suggest you develop your own and share them with your trainer, your friends, your family, and your coworkers. The more people you have checking in on you, the more likely you are to succeed! (And the more likely all those people are to understand why you are doing the things you do!) For me, I have a very specific goal for the next year: to become the first American Ninja Warrior. No American has ever completed the finals course. This is my goal. I had this goal in mind years ago when I started mud runs/adventure races. After participating over the past few years, qualifying for world championships and taking home age group awards, I believe this year is the year. Sure, I applied last year (check out the shameless plug here: https://youtu.be/ySXQ-mY979A) and never got the call. So it is a big step to my goal. But I truly believe it fits the SMART principles...and yes, I do think it is possible! When you commit your training, your lifestyle, and your mind to your goals, anything is possible. Just because I haven't been given the chance doesn't mean I can't do it! One of my favorite quotes (and I know many of you have heard me say it before) is "plan your work and work your plan." This is how you reach your goals. -Author Coach Josh March |
November 2023